Women’s Ministry


The Women’s Ministry of New Song Community Church delights in providing an opportunity for fellowship & community and exists to challenge and equip women to passionately pursue God and to influence their world. We are here to encourage you ladies, partner with you, and provide resources to help you minister to the needs of not only your families but others that God has placed in your journey. Our goal is to discover and develop biblical, godly resources to help disciple women in every stage of life: young, old, married, single, single moms . . . . We delight in extending a hand to women who just want ideas to connect in deeper ways with God and how to get through a demanding day of tasks and tight schedules. Ladies you do not have to walk this journey alone!


To join us as we come together and meet for Coffee with Girlfriends, our annual Women’s Brunch, and Book Studies. Visit our church website to follow upcoming events. God bless you!

Ivy Winkler

Director of Women’s Ministry
New Song Community Church
Portland OR 97212-3733
Phone: 503-493-1301 ext.206
Fax: 503-493-1402

Women’s Book Study CAPTIVATED: A journey to Intimately Knowing God in May and June of 2024. For study notes and livestream meeting videos please use the following link: “CAPTIVATED” Book Study Home Page

Women’s Book Study Created for Purpose in May and June of 2023. For study notes and livestream meeting videos please use the following link: “Created for Purpose” Book Study Home Page

Women’s Book Study Reclaiming His Promises was in May and June of 2022. For study notes and Zoom meeting videos please use the following link: “Reclaiming His Promises” Book Study Home Page

Women’s Book Study THE SETTLED SOUL was in May and June of 2021. For study notes and Zoom meeting videos please use the following link: “The Settled Soul” Book Study Home Page

For the 2020 Daniel book study use this link: “Trustworthy” Study Home Page